Buddhism vs Sanatan Dharma: Unification Beyond (Non) Differences
It is not that there is no self (anattā); it is that there is only oneself (anadā), — knowing this is bliss (ānanda). What it means in most simple terms. Oneself veils itself to perceive itself as otherness so to experience togetherness. Togetherness being synonymous with companionship, friendship and love. All this so not to be alone. All this so to love and be loved in return. As to karma? All this is oneself in action. The purpose of oneself is companionship, friendship, love. All action is self moving itself out of love. In conclusion. The eternal law (sanatan dharma) is oneself (enlight/buddha) desiring companionship, friendship, love; love so love. Yes so it is indeed. Ānanda (bliss) is the eternal companion of Buddha (one self/one light/en light).
~ Wald Wassermann