The Cosmological Constant Redefined.
The analogy with the sea and waves is a useful one to understand the relationship between quantum fluctuations and the big bang. In this analogy it may be argued that the sea represents the underlying fabric of space and time, while the waves represent the quantum fluctuations that arise on top of this fabric. An allusive statement? Yes. You see, there are no parts so to speak off. All is one and the same. There is only one sea partnering with itself so not to be by itself. The consequences are identical with the cause. There is only the first moving one, the primum movens. Hence the analogy with the sea and the waves. Waves appear many and perceive themselves as separate but they are verily the one sea. The reason why the sea motions itself is not to be by itself. The reason why the sea motions itself is to be able to experience companionship aka love itself. Through the lens of particle physics it can be said that the reason why we appear apart is so not to be alone. In the simplest of possible terms? The one and only purpose of life is love.
~ Wald Wassermann, Physicist